
The greatest blessing in the world is to be a blessing to someone else.

  • Donate

    Harmonys Heart of Wisconsin is community funded through fundraisers, private donations, philanthropic grants and sponsorships. Donations go directly to the outreach mission to provide consistency and hope to those who are among the most vulnerable in our community.

    Current Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/40949084

  • Volunteer

    Harmonys Heart of Wisconsin is always looking for giving hearts to support with events and community initiatives. Watch our Upcoming Events page for ways to participate.

  • Gift In Kind

    Contributions of nonfinancial assets or “gifts-in-kind" (“GIK”) are an important source of financial support for Harmonys Heart of Wisconsin. Clothing, Personal Care and Non-Perishable Food items are always in need. These items can be dropped off or arrangements for pick up can be made.

    Please also check out our Amazon wish list of additional items

    Garden Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3EYM4UVHOI7SP?ref_=wl_share

    Everyday Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2OCZFXDQGUCGT?ref_=wl_share